About Us

Our Location
Palm City, FL
Company Founded

About Us

South Florida Grading Corporation. “SFG” as it has become more commonly known throughout the industry. SFG was started in 2004 by Mr. Tim Reynolds, a 3rd generation site developer and Owner. Tim’s passion for the business from a young age and his die-hard dedication to his trade has brought him and his team to the level they are at today. SFG is a full service Sitework Development Company specializing in Earthwork, De-Mucking, Pond and Lake construction, U/G utilities, Concrete and Asphalt Paving, Lift Stations, Specialized Drainage Installations, etc.

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More About SFG

SFG possesses some of the most state-of-the-art intelligent heavy-duty equipment there is on the market today. With our GPS satellite and drone capabilities, earthwork calculations and quantities are figured in no time at all and are bullseye accurate. Information can be received and sent at a press of a button right from the field to the estimating department where SFG’s experienced team of precision estimators in all facets of the site scope package calculate and put costs and quantities together, utilizing the most up to date estimating software on the market today. Comprehensive packages for clients, developers and General Contractors are developed and assembled in minutes not hours and days.

The field staff at SFG is experienced in all measures of moving dirt whether excavating or importing fill. Pipeline teams are certified and have experience in all types of pipes, valves, materials and sizes and an additional plus is SFG has our own paving equipment, which saves time and money for the client during paving operations.

South Florida Grading Corp. performs work in Florida from Homestead north to Jacksonville and Okeechobee to North Tampa and can staff several projects at once with teams for all phases of the site development scope. With Mr. Reynolds at the helm, deadlines and schedule constraints, milestones and critical path duration times are consistently met, Period!

Areas We Serve

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